Enlistment to the Army

The Central Zionist Archives holds a rich and diverse collection of posters and handbills from the period of the Yishuv and the early years of the State of Israel. The posters and handbills were displayed on bulletin boards around the cities, and that way messages and information were transferred to the wider public. The posters and handbills were used to address a wide array of subjects: Zionism, settlements, security, art, theater, health and more.
This time we have chosen posters that are connected to enlistment to the army. Many posters and handbills kept at the CZA deal with this subject, some of which were published during the Second World War and others after the establishment of the State of Israel and the formation of the Israel Defense Force (IDF). During the Second World War, the Yishuv sought to aid the battle against the Nazis. The youth of the Yishuv volunteered to the British Army, and the leadership of the Yishuv published posters calling for enlistment to the various forces of the British Army. Women also volunteered to the ATS (the Auxiliary Territorial Service) and the WAAF (the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force).
The posters below call for enlistment to the British Army and to the IDF.