Below is a list of public holidays and opening hours of the CZA in 2024-2025.
If you are planning a visit to the Archives, please review the working hours of our reading room.
Additional information can be found in our website's "News" section and on Facebook.
Summer vacation | Wednesday-Sunday, 21.8.2024-1.9.2024 | The Archives will be closed.
Rosh Hashanah | Wednesday-Thursday, 2-3.10.2024 | The Archives will be closed.
Yom Kippur | Friday-Saturday, 11-12.10.2024
Sukkot | Wednesday-Thursday (the following week), 16-24.10.2024 | The Archives will be closed.
Hanukkah | Details will be provided later | The Archives will be open until 12:00 pm.
Purim | Sunday, 16.3.2025 | The Archives will be closed.
Pesach | Sunday-Thursday, 13-17.4.2025 | The Archives will be closed.
National Remembrance Day | Wednesday, 30.4.2025 | The Reading room will be closed.
Independence Day | Thursday, 1.5.2025 | The Archives will be closed.
Jerusalem Day | Monday, 26.5.2025 | The Archives will be closed.
Shavuot | Sunday-Monday, 1-2.6.2025 | The Archives will be closed.
Tisha B'Av | Sunday, 3.8.2025 | The Archives will be closed.
Summer vacation | Details will be provided later | The Archives will be closed.