Contact us

A mobile post office (PHR\1173188)
A switchboard for the blind 1956 (PHRS\1437516)
A Payphone in the Postal office (NSC\139109)
The army postal services (NKH\429486)

Phone number: 972-2-620-4829 | Fax: 972-2-620-4837 | Email:

The Family Research Department:​


Please note,

Prior coordination by email is required to visit the Archives. It is not possible to access the Archives without previously making an appointment.


How to get to the Archives: 

The temporary reading room and offices are located on the fifth floor of the office complex of Binyanei HaUma, 1 Shazar Blvd., Jerusalem. See directions.


Coordinating a visit:

Visits to the Archives are possible upon advance registration only. Requested file notations should be ordered at least two weeks before arrival. Registration can be made by email:​. See reading room - new guidelines.

Opening hours of the reading room: Sunday- Thursday, 8:00-15:00.

Mailing address: POB 92, Jerusalem, 9100002, Israel.​​