Item description

Documentum item: <CzaSearchDataReturnList><QueryString /><TotalCount>1</TotalCount><PropData><r_object_id>0b001e15800012dc</r_object_id><r_object_type>cza_division</r_object_type><close_web_scan>false</close_web_scan><close_web_data>false</close_web_data><purch_block>false</purch_block><purch_free>false</purch_free><symbol>Z4</symbol><object_name>Z4 - המשרד המרכזי של ההסתדרות הציונית והסוכנות היהודית לונדון</object_name><r_content_size>0</r_content_size><from_year>1917</from_year><to_year>1955</to_year><description_eng>The Zionist Organization/ The Jewish Agency for Palestine/Israel - Central Office, London</description_eng><original_division_name></original_division_name><registration_language></registration_language><items_total_meter>204.5</items_total_meter><access_restrictions>1</access_restrictions><registration_method></registration_method><copyright></copyright><copies_locations></copies_locations><scanning_status_info>נסרקה בחלקה</scanning_status_info></PropData></CzaSearchDataReturnList>
Name: Z4 - המשרד המרכזי של ההסתדרות הציונית והסוכנות היהודית לונדון

Name (English): The Zionist Organization/ The Jewish Agency for Palestine/Israel - Central Office, London

Years: 1917- 1955

Information on scanning: נסרקה בחלקה

Division Collection
Administration. General correspondence, letter K; including correspondence with S. Kaplansky, and Rabbi A.I. Kook 1918- 1919 Z4\42924
Politics. Various corrrespondence with the Netherlands Consulate General for Great Britain and Ireland in London regarding visas to Holland, including a visa request for Shelomo Kaplansky 1919- 1919 Z4\42171
Politics. Correspondence on Nazi propaganda and transportation of Jewish immigrants and refugees by "Lloyd" shipping company (previous no. Z4/17183) 1935- 1936 Z4\31940
Propaganda. Newspaper cuttings from British and American press on partition of Palestine and the end of the British Mandate, September (previous no. Z4/20479) 1947- 1947 Z4\33573
Propaganda. Newspaper cuttings from British and American press on partition of Palestine and the end of the British Mandate, September - October (previous no. Z4/20479) 1947- 1947 Z4\33572
תזכיר בעניין הצעה לתיחום הגבול הצפוני של ארץ ישראל בוועידת השלום לאחר מלחמת העולם הראשונה (The Northern Boundary of Palestine) 1920- 1920 Z4\10269
Upbuilding of the national home. Correspondence regarding water supply, electricity and tramways in Jerusalem (previous no. Z4/3) 1920- 1920 Z4\40002
Upbuilding of the national home. Correspondence regarding electricity, water, irrigation, agriculture and Dead Sea works (previous no. Z4/4) 1920- 1920 Z4\40003
Upbuilding of the national home. Various correspondence regarding irrigation, water, electricity and tramway supply in Jerusalem and Jaffa (previous no. Z4/6) 1919- 1922 Z4\40005
Organization. Minutes of various meetings, November-December 1943 (previous no. 302/28/1) 1943- 1943 Z4\30010
Organization. Minutes of various meetings (previous no. 302/28/2) 1943- 1943 Z4\30012
Organization. Minutes of various meetings, February 1947 (previous no. 302/32) 1947- 1947 Z4\30022