Item description

Documentum item: <CzaSearchDataReturnList><QueryString /><TotalCount>1</TotalCount><PropData><r_object_id>0b001e15800012dc</r_object_id><r_object_type>cza_division</r_object_type><close_web_scan>false</close_web_scan><close_web_data>false</close_web_data><purch_block>false</purch_block><purch_free>false</purch_free><symbol>Z4</symbol><object_name>Z4 - המשרד המרכזי של ההסתדרות הציונית והסוכנות היהודית לונדון</object_name><r_content_size>0</r_content_size><from_year>1917</from_year><to_year>1955</to_year><description_eng>The Zionist Organization/ The Jewish Agency for Palestine/Israel - Central Office, London</description_eng><original_division_name></original_division_name><registration_language></registration_language><items_total_meter>204.5</items_total_meter><access_restrictions>1</access_restrictions><registration_method></registration_method><copyright></copyright><copies_locations></copies_locations><scanning_status_info>נסרקה בחלקה</scanning_status_info></PropData></CzaSearchDataReturnList>
Name: Z4 - המשרד המרכזי של ההסתדרות הציונית והסוכנות היהודית לונדון

Name (English): The Zionist Organization/ The Jewish Agency for Palestine/Israel - Central Office, London

Years: 1917- 1955

Information on scanning: נסרקה בחלקה

Division Collection
Organization. Minutes of various meetings, April-July 1947 (previous no. 302/32) 1947- 1947 Z4\30024
Organization. Correspondence with the Mizrachi New York regarding upbuilding of the national home and various financial matters, correspondence mainly with Meir Berlin (previous no. Z4/24) 1919- 1919 Z4\40018
Organization. Copies of outgoing letters, October-November 1935 (previous no. Z4/3062/3) 1935- 1935 Z4\30036
Organization. Copies of outgoing letters on various matters, September-October 1934 (previous no. Z4/3080) 1934- 1934 Z4\30061
Organization. Copies of outgoing letters and telegrams, concerning the Twentieth Zionist Congress, July 1937 (previous no. Z4/3080) 1937- 1937 Z4\30063
Organization. Correspondence with the Central Zionist Bureau in Copenhagen (previous no. Z4/33) 1919- 1920 Z4\40029
Organization. Letter to Louis Brandeis regarding the activities of the Joint Distribution Committee in Palestine, 27.10.1919 (previous no. Z4/35) 1919- 1920 Z4\40031
Finances and treasury. Correspondence with M.[?] Aleinikoff regarding financial matters (previous no. Z4/ 43/2) 1924- 1924 Z4\40040
Finances and treasury. Correspondence with Edwin Feist regarding financial matters (previous no. Z4/43/4) 1923- 1924 Z4\40042
Organization. Copies of outgoing letters on various matters, including the Conference for the Relief of German Jewry, August-November 1933 (previous no. Z4/ 3080) 1933- 1933 Z4\30065
Organization. Copies of outgoing letters concerning the Eighteenth Zionist Congress, July 1933 (previous no. Z4/ 3080) 1933- 1933 Z4\30067
Finances and treasury. Correspondence with Yitzhak Naiditsch concerning financial and economic matters (previous no. Z4/43/7) 1921- 1924 Z4\40045