
Israel: Holiday All Year Round (KRA\492)
The Central Zionist Archives holds a rich and diverse collection of posters and handbills from the period of the Yishuv and the early years of the State of Israel. The posters and handbills were displayed on bulletin boards around the cities, and that way messages and information were transferred to the wider public. The posters and handbills were used to address a wide array of subjects: Zionism, settlements, security, art, theater, health and more.
The summer has always been an excellent time to take a hike or a vacation. The residents of the Yishuv and the young State of Israel were also happy to take vacations in the country and overseas. In the Archives’ Poster Collection is a range of posters of various places in the country, that it was hoped that vacationers would visit.  So where would you choose to go?