Locally Made Products

The Central Zionist Archives holds a rich and diverse collection of posters and handbills from the period of the Yishuv and the early years of the State of Israel. The posters and handbills were displayed on bulletin boards around the cities, and that way messages and information were transferred to the wider public. The posters and handbills were used to address a wide array of subjects: Zionism, settlements, security, art, theater, health and more.
Not only these days is the public called upon to buy local produce in order to strengthen local business and to contribute to the economy. Such advertisements were published even before the establishment of the State. Various bodies and mainly “The Association for Eretz Israel Products” published many posters and handbills calling for the buying of local products. These products were marked with a special label noting that the product was locally made. As you can see in the posters below, the local produce was very diverse. The posters include advertisements for locally made products from food and cosmetics, to cigarettes and even quarries