Posters about Water

The Central Zionist Archives holds a rich and diverse collection of posters and handbills from the period of the Yishuv and the early years of the State of Israel. The posters and handbills were displayed on bulletin boards around the cities, and that way messages and information were transferred to the wider public. The posters and handbills were used to address a wide array of subjects: Zionism, settlements, security, art, theater, health and more.


In Israel, we are now in the midst of a summer that is, fortunately, fairly temperate. The importance of water is well-known: for drinking, for watering plants, and for amusement and outings. In Israel, which is dependent on its winter rains to sustain its water resources, water conservation is of supreme importance. Even before the word “desalination” came into use, residents were asked to save water and even received instructionson how to do so.
Here are some posters about water that will refresh your summer (or that will cause you to start saving water):