Advanced search in the CZA collections

The Advanced search allows you to do a specific search in the CZA database based on criteria which you fill in, in the different fields of the various collections. 

Firstly, please choose the database in which you would like to search, by choosing one of the types of material in the list of databases. Thereafter, in accordance with the database you chose, a list of fields will be presented. For example: In the Photograph Collection, one can note the name of the photographer for whom you are searching. In all the databases it is possible to note the specific year or the span of years for which you would like to search.
A maximum of 1000 results for each type will be presented. If the system locates more than 1000 results per type, the exact number of results will not be provided; rather a notice will appear that more than a thousand results were located for that type of material.  
General instructions: 
For instructions on how to search in Hebrew, please see the Hebrew page
The language of the search
Please note that about 80% of the database - not the actual material – is in Hebrew. If you carry out a search in English, you will only be searching on about 20% of the database. Therefore it is advisable to carry out searches in English and Hebrew.
Search for a term made up of two words
When searching for a term made up of two words, one does not need to add the word AND between the two words. Also, do not add inverted commas before and after the term. A search of a two-word string will return results containing the string.
For example: A search for the term Balfour Declaration will present results where the two words appear together.
Search for names of a person or a place
When searching for the name of a person or a place, please try all the versions of the name.
For example: Romania and Roumania
                    Sharett and Shertok        
                    Sheikh Abreich and Tivon    

The system does not provide synonyms for the word you entered.


Please note that for the time being, it is not possible to order material ahead of time via the website, to review when you visit the CZA reading room. You have to visit the CZA and order the files in the reading room. Some of the documents are scanned and can be viewed on the computers in the reading room. If the files are not scanned they can be ordered from the store-rooms. For additional explanations for first-time visitors click here.