Audio Collections



The Audio Collection contains approximately 3,500 audio items, recording the activity of the Zionist Movement, and preserving cultural traditions of various Jewish communities. The Collection documents sessions of the Zionist Congresses and the proceedings of the Executive Committee, radio programs and interviews with the leaders of the Zionist Movement, lectures on Zionism, lectures by the leaders of the Zionist Movement, memoirs of various personalities about Theodor Herzl, and recordings of conferences and ceremonies commemorating Zionist leaders, including the ceremony conducted when Herzl's remains were transferred to the State of Israel. The collection also contains recordings of debates from various meetings on the establishment of a national home and speeches about the establishment of the State of Israel. 


The Audio Collection also contains recorded interviews in which people from the First and Second Aliyah recollect life in the Land of Israel from the end of the 19th century.
The collection also contains interviews with immigration coordinators of the "Melilot" project telling about their experiences in bringing Jews clandestinely to Israel from countries such as Morocco, Yemen, Cuba, the USSR, Ethiopia, and Syria.
Over the years, recordings of concerts and musical works (for instance, Jewish music, songs of the underground organizations) also arrived at the Zionist Archives, and they reflect part of the cultural activity within Israel.
Language of description: All the item descriptions are in Hebrew.


The structure of the audio collection
Items in the general audio collection have a unique code, for example: VO1\1.
Certain items have an additional number, for instance VO1\2\1. The additional number indicates that item VO1\2 consists of several parts.