The Central Zionist Archives holds various card catalogs of the Palestine Offices.
The Palestine Offices served as local embassies or offices of the Immigration Department of the Jewish Agency in various countries.
The card catalogs (ordered by name) were created in the course of the activity of the offices and were used by their personnel.
The applicants for immigration approached these offices in their places of residence and provided data on themselves and their family.
This database contains:
· Card catalogs and questionnaires of the Office of the Jewish Agency in Paris (L10C), 1949 1969
· Card catalogs and questionnaires of immigrants from Italy, Rome (L16C), 1945-1947
· The card catalog of the Palestine Office in Riga, Latvia (L21C), 1920-1939
· The card catalog of immigrants from Yemen (S120C), 1948- 1950
Within the framework of the project of scanning the genealogic databases of the Zionist Archives, the card catalogs and the questionnaires of the immigrants were scanned
The card catalog is accessible to the public only by application to the CZA Family Research Section.