Youth Aliyah

 ילדי עליית הנוער במוסד "אהבה"בעבודה. סימול: PHRS\1438190
The Youth Aliyah archives include two types of files that may be used by researchers of family roots:
The Central Zionist Archives holds the archives of the Youth Aliyah Department, about 15,000 files of the Youth Aliyah Office in Jerusalem in the years 1932-1972. The purpose of this body, founded in 1933, was to assist youth immigration to Palestine.The files include personal correspondence regarding certain children.
Personal files. Most personal files of members of the Youth Aliyah are preserved in the records center of the Jewish Agency.
Besides these files, several card catalogs, which were created in the course of the activity of the Youth Aliyah Department and used by its personnel, were transferred to the CZA in recent years.
 עליית הנוער,נערות הודיות. סימול: NPS233962 ילדי "עליית הנוער" מתורכיה בשדה נחום. סימול: PHRS\1440444
All the card catalogs were scanned and entered into a large database containing more than 500,000 records.
The card catalogs are divided as follows:
A card catalog of children from Germany - a card catalog ordered by name, of about 1,700 children who arrived at the beginning of the Youth Aliyah enterprise.
A card catalog of the Teheran children – containing 893 names of Jewish refugee children from Poland who came to Palestine via Teheran as companions of the Polish Anders Army in February 1942 after years of wandering across Poland and the USSR.
A Hebrew card catalog ordered by name, a non-Hebrew card catalog ordered by name and a card catalog of the Youth Aliyah institutions.
In addition, upon the closure of the Youth Aliyah offices in 1966, a computerized database was transferred to the Zionist Archives containing more than 170,000 names of members of the institutions of the Youth Aliyah during the years 1975 till the 2000s. This database contains personal data on the child in question, in addition to information on the dates on which he was admitted to, and left, the institution in which he studied. This database is not accessible to the public.
Those wishing to receive information should address the Family Research Section according to the guidelines found in the information pages of the Family Research Section.
Access restrictions
The card catalog is accessible to the public only by application to the CZA Family Research Section.Personal files and files containing personal correspondence regarding specific children are closed for access for privacy reasons.  
Relatives wishing to browse a personal file can address the Family Research section according to the guidelines found in the information pages of the Family Research section.
A list of the files of the Youth Aliyah archives is accessible on this website.

  ילד מעליית הנוער במוסד "אהבה" סימול: PHRS\1438215   חניכי מוסד " עלייה" פתח-תקווה . סימול: PHRS\1404980