Archive treasures

Daily events with a "CZA twist", unique personal archives of interesting historic figures, and more.

Prof. Ma'oz Azaryahu about the Memorial and Forest ANZAC, nearby Be'eri.
Ephraim Lapid in a personal account
Letter written by Emma Goldman founded at the CZA
New memorial plate next to the old building of the CZA in Berlin
Many children were returned to a Jewish environment thanks to the efforts of Jewish organizations.
What kind of games did the children play in Eretz Israel in the 20th century?
Yehosha Yellin writes of the British conquest of Jerusalem
The Yishuv's way to conquer the citrons industry abroad
Hillel Cohen's recent book: Year Zero of the Arab-Jewish Conflict 1929.
The personal archive of a European woman who emigrated to Palestine.
The story of "Struma" and of two children who received visas to Palestine the day before it sank.
The Maccabees, heroism and settlement in Zionist songs.
A new exhibition about photographers in Jerusalem at the "Tower of David" Museum.
The turbulent early years of the Bezalel Academy
The fascinating story of the uncompromising man who founded the Lehi.
A glimpse into the mind of a man who believed that only love would save the people of Israel
Posters and photographs from the Zionist Congresses towards the 37th Congress
Holiday greeting from the Russian king of Tea
Haj Amin al- Husseini and the Croatian Ustasha movement
Germans or Jews? The Blau Weiss youth movement
From the personal archive of Joseph Trumpeldor
67 years after he fell in the 1948 war, Moshe Wilinger's family said their farewell

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